Thursday, December 31, 2009
2010??Give a comment...
Will u choose...
A) two thousand and ten
B) twenty-ten
C) two-zero-one-zero
D) two-o-one-o
Happy new year!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Whu wan 2 do the last post(2009) of this blog?
B4 2009 COMES 2 D END...
Not 4get...
Happy new year 2 all of u...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
Exams coming!

OMG! Exams is just another 3 more days!
And I haven't even read all of my books yet! that doesn't mean that I didn't read at all, people!
To all of my Muslim friends, please pray for me to pass my exams!
though I doubt it will be in flying colours...
but still pray for my success!
as for the non-Muslims,
just wish me luck as to not pass out on the examination day, OK!
PS: Learn Hard, Think Smart, & last but not least... never to underestimate the advise of a mother... or a father... which I apparently did... T_T why, oh, why, am I a stubborn child?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Selamat deepavali,
kepada "tambi" dan juga "tangeji",
hari ni I sangat happy,
i dapat makan muruku dan capati!
Happy Deepavali!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Jamuan Raye~
It has been so long the Jamuan Hari Raya had ended...
But if I may say,
I don't really remember what had happened that day,
so, let these pics tell us the story,
and as they say, "a picture can tell a thousand stories"!
It's a pity though that teacher Jenny didn't join in with us that day...
But the worst part was that,
Not even one of the Malay boys came that day!
Even the chinese boys came!
I think I'll be cheering on with Pn. Baizura(did I spell her name correctly? I'm not quite sure...)
where she said that if she was our class teacher,
she'd minced them to pieces by now! haha
Leave a comment! Danke!
PS: these pictures were taken using Saidatul's camera! And that explains why she is like, in every photos!

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Food! Oh! delicious Food!
These are some of the pics of the food that had been served at the Majlis Hari Raya.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sedna is the name given by astronomers for the newest planet to be discovered orbiting the Sun. Although the details of the size of the planet are still being sought, it is thought to be about 1300 miles in diameter and could be of a similar size to Pluto. Given the Pluto is generally accepted to be a planet in its own right, Sedna becomes the tenth planet to be found orbiting the Sun.
NASA put out information about an announcement planned for Monday 15th March, to be given by Dr Michael Brown of Caltech. His team had recently discovered another large Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt object called 2004 DW, details of which were released in February. His team are using the recently launched Spitzer Space Telescope.
Perhaps it may help to explain the lack of companions out at this distance, although it is probably too small in practice to have swept the Belt clean by itself.
However, although it is located here, it may actually be an object from the distant Oort Cloud of comets. At the moment it is nearing perihelion, which has brought it into the Kuiper Belt. It is the most distant object to have been located orbiting the Sun. It appears to be following an elliptical orbit of about 10,500 years duration, taking out to a phenomenal 900 AU when at aphelion. Size-wise, it is too small to be a 'Nibiru' type-entity, irrespective of whether Nibiru turns out to be a terrestrial planet or a gas giant. Nor is this rocky, icy world anything approaching a 'Dark Star', even though it is red (presumably die the deposit of organic material on its surface). But it is a thrilling discovery, even so.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Farewell Shin Chan's creator...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya..
Hope this Hari Raya will make you all happy.. ^^
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Such a Boring Holidays.....
It was a very boring holidays ever.. Nothing exciting to do, nowhere to go..
Maybe bcoz the muslims are fasting, including me! And
Whatever it is, fasting is fasting.. Life must go on.. Hope the coming days will be more exciting although we have to study and study.. Adios..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Holiday Happy!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The proper way to wear a face mask.
The proper way to wear a face mask.
Posted on May 6, 2009 by Jean
In an earlier post about my office issuing masks and thermometers, I posted a photo of myself wearing a mask. Today I learned that I was wearing the mask the wrong way. Let me show you why.
I was wearing the mask the right way in terms of pulling it over my nose, crimping the metal nose piece securely, and pulling the bottom of the mask down over my chin. But...
What I did not realise was that there is a right side and a wrong side to the face mask. Most face masks have a coloured side and a white side. The coloured side should face OUT while the white side should be next to your face when you’re wearing the mask. Hence, it should look like this and not like my negative demonstration above:
Ah. Better.
As for how long you should wear the mask before throwing it out, the recommendation is eight hours. But if you’re a mouth breather, and your mask gets all moist and disgusting, change masks more frequently.
The original post is in her own website,
Hope it helped!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Bored... -_-
Sunday, August 2, 2009
State Drama Competition 2009
A Fantastic Experience
Eventhough the results didn’t favour us, we were very satisfied as we put up a good fight. For us to get fourth (we only rehearsed for two days, believe me…) among ten participating schools was definitely an achievement itself as the top three schools were superb. King George V (represented Larut Matang-Selama) bagged the first place, leaving SMK Sentosa (represented Kinta Selatan) as runners.
The Georgians 7 months of practice surely paid off when they put up a mind-blowing performance, with amazing props and a unique story line, which was also awarded the best script. I’m sure they will make Perak proud in the national level competition.
On the other hand, the 1st runner-ups (who were last year’s runner-up for the national level competition) were not satisfied with the results as they expected to grab the first place. There was another drama going on backstage as that school wanted to hand over a ‘Surat Bantahan’ to the organizing team. But, in my perception, they shouldn’t have taken it too seriously as the judges did a good job in choosing the best team.
Whatever it is, our drama team is very thankful to Sir Edmund Yeo, Teacher Jenny and all the teachers involved, for their concerted effort in training us until we achieved a contented victory. Not to forget, I would like to thank all the team members (Kit Yin, Pavaani, Thava, Jabar, Pei Yii, Darshany, Guna, Narenth, Siva and Vel) for their wonderful cooperation in putting up such a good performance yesterday. I will surely miss the enjoyable sessions of training with you guys…
I hope next year we can at least represent our state for the national level competition. This wish will definitely go on my vision board.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Busy as a bee
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Seminar in UPSI
The first topic that was discussed was 'how to make up a stabilize personality for students'. the topic was talked by En. Ahmad Zulfiqar Bin Abdul Hadi. One of the lessons that were taught was that to make up a stabilize personality, one must take care of ones background, appearance, morals, never gives up so easily and be alert at all times. Then we were allowed to take a break and have our breakfast for 15 minutes. Each and every students were given friend rice noodle and tea. Though the rice noodle doesn't taste that good, it was still fulfilling.
After we went back to the lecture hall, we were divided into groups of 10. We were asked to play a game called 'Pulau Bakun'. This is played by dividing into two groups, one is the 'Muslim preacher' and the other was the 'native'. The Muslim preachers came to an island where the natives live to preach them to destroy the swine farm that they have. The students that played as the Muslim preachers must find ways to persuade the natives to detroy the swine farm while the students that played as the natives must find ways to protect the treasure of their island. For your information, 7/10 of the students from SMKDZM played as the natives and among them was Najihah. As you all may know, Najihah likes to talk right? So the natives were like winning for Najihah's bombarding remarks at the Muslim preachers answers. The fight was fierce to be exact.
At about 1.30pm, we were again allowed to take a break for the Muslim students need to perform their Zohor prayers. The lunch that they provided for us was delicious if I may say! It consists of white rice, chicken curry and cabbage soup. (I was disappointed that they told me I can't take seconds for there weren't enough for all, but I got over it rather quickly...)
After having our lunch and gotten back to the lecture hall, another topic was discussed about the group that are lack in knowledge. One of the lesson that were taught was that knowledge is important to set ones future and daily life. To gain knowledge, one must have interest in gaining it by oneself without being asked by others to. At the end of the ceremony, each group got a hamper according to the points that they got during the game. And do you know who won the award for the most supporting group... it was Group 1! The group where Najhah was in. Nobody doubted it. We were given some drinks and kuih before we went back. These are some of the pictures that we have taken during the seminar. Do Enjoy!